Sometimes, it can be the simplest, most overlooked skills in football that are the most difficult to learn and practice. For young athletes, learning how to properly control the ball is the most important foundation for all aspects of the game and is the key to all other football skills.
Two of the basic skills in football are heading and tackling. These skills require both accuracy and caution to avoid failure and injuries. At the Alaska Football Power Camp, kids can learn the basics and good foundations of soccer.
Before you think of signing up, here’s a list of safe and effective techniques to master the basic skills – heading and tackling.

No matter what position you play, the ability to do heading is an essential skill to have for both defensive and offensive play.
The safest and most effective part of the head to use is the forehead, but aside from this, in order to execute the move properly, you have to place yourself in the best position by judging the line and flight of the ball and in perfect timing when receiving the ball.
There are 3 things to remember when learning safe heading for the first time:
- Make sure to use a softer ball or a slightly deflated soccer ball.
- Practice by yourself. Toss the ball to yourself by hand.
- Don’t try heading with an opponent yet if you haven’t mastered the move yet.

The fastest way to get recognized on the pitch is by mastering the art of clean tackling. Being able to tackle efficiently is one way to help the team win because, this way, you have the ability to block goal-scoring points from the opposing team.
It is important to stay motivated and aggressive when doing tackling because it’s the most effective way to get possession of the ball.
There are three things to remember when practicing effective but safe tackling:
- Stay balanced. Always keep your off-foot firmly planted when tackling a dribbler and put your weight over the ball for better balance to avoid injuries.
- Always go hard but clean, make sure that your first contact is with the ball and not the opposing player.
- When going for a hard tackle, never point your knee sideways to avoid exposure to injuries.
For more information on the Alaska Football Power Camp, visit www.alaskapowercamp.com/football/2014 or call 822-7584 or Email tlozano@skybroadband.com.ph